
Who the heck are you?

tinypalace is being organized by a small collective from Germany. We are people who make games and / or care about the development of this medium.

Most of us are students from the School of Arts Kassel, fathers & daughters, slackers & hackers, bi & homo & straight. Queer, feminist, radical, vegan, meat loving, organic & fast food.

We call ourselves the tiny collective.

Our believes

For some time, we’ve been observing the cultural development of games, which we can partially connect with. Therefore it’s important for us to participate in this development, not only by creating our own works, but by organising a festival, sharing ideas and discussing them.

We want research how games work in an exhibition space (besides the conventional practices) and if self-constructed input devices and backdrops can widen the experience (or not).

We want to give a platform to games that are made and thought of disconnected from a purely commercial context. Games that are rather an expression of a political, social and artistic position.

Games have the potential to create worlds different to the perspectives we know. To secure the diversity of those worlds it needs diverse contributors. It doesn’t help to limit access to our tools, demand huge entry fees and production costs and censor our source code. Those ideas are driven by capitalistic anxiety. We rely on transparency and accessibility and won’t keep from trying different stuff.

We want to exhibit weird, beautiful, small, ugly, broken, political and happy games!

What we want tinypalace to be

Our goal is to provide a vast medley of possibilities and perspectives. To make our festival accessible to everyone, we don’t have tickets or an entry fee.

Our location is the Interim in Kassel. There we will have talks & workshops, an exhibition with custom controllers and installations, spaces for communication, a game jam and good food.

The focus lies on communication. For any good discussion there needs to be input. That’s why we will try and create a multifaceted exhibition and invite interesting speakers.

Everyone is welcome who wants to take a closer look at the medium, refresh their opinions or share them.

tl;dr tinypalace is a chance to unite, concentrate, disect and understand the different points of view outside of the established stuctures around games. An approach to promote diversity in games, help newcomers to join and try out new things.

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